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It’s a Buyers Market Out There…

If you read any article in any housing publication, you’ll hear that it is now a Buyers Market. What does that mean for you as a seller? There are more homes on offer at the moment than there are people looking to buy. Current estimates are there are 5 homes for every 1 buyer to choose from. So if you want to stand out from the crowd and get your home sold quickly, there are a few things you can do to help;

Employ a real estate agent to sell your home.

Why? The main reason is an agent will get you a better price than if you sell on your own? On average, you’ll achieve a 9% increase on price in Auckland.

Make sure your home is well presented.

Clear out the clutter, depersonalise by removing all family photos and replacing them with pieces of art, and clean your home so it sparkles.

Be realistic about the price you want to achieve. The market has changed and a good agent will discuss local sales with you and what price range the market is leaning towards.

Be prepared to negotiate. This kind of market means that you may need to work on longer settlement timeframes or wait for conditions to be met to secure the sale.

Your Real Estate Professional will help you negotiate these to ensure you get the best price and conditions to help you move forward.